Algorithm and Data Structure - Turing Machine

The Machine Stops!

Posted by UNKNOWN SPACE on Monday, November 6, 2023

In this article, we are going to look at the formal definition of Turing Machine and the therom with it.

Introduction of turing machine

The picture below is a multi-tape turing machine


In a formal definition, a turing machine could be define as a quintuple:

M = [ K, Σ, Q, q0, T ]

  1. K ≥ 2 (number of tapes)
  2. Σ is a non-empty, finite set (alphabet)
  3. Q is a non-empty, finite set (set of states)
  4. q0 ∈ Q (initial state)
  5. T is a set of transitions (for K, Σ and Q)


A symbol is an element of which means blank and start separately.
We denote the set of finite strings over Σ by Σ∗


A transition is also a quintuple:

[ p, s¯, q, t¯, d¯ ]

  1. p ∈ Q and q ∈ Q
  2. s¯ and t¯ are K-tuples of symbols
  3. d¯ is a K-tuple whose elements from {left, right, stay}

An informal explanation of transition is:

If you are in state p, and the current node being scanned is s¯, then set the new state to be q, write the symbol of t¯ on the tape and move as what d¯ says.

Here are few rules that a Turing Machine must follows:

  1. The tape never moves to the left of start symbol.
  2. Tape one is read-only and the last tape (K tape) is write-only.
  3. the start symbol doesn’t involves in the transition
  4. nothing is over-written with blank


A Configuration is a set of snap shots of the turing machine which successive ones could form some transitions T, and a run of turing machine could be defined as a sequence of configurations. Formally, a configuration is a K-tuple of String, σ1 … σk, where each σ represents one element in the form:

start symbol, sk,1, ... , sk,i−1, q, sk,i, ... , sk,n(k)

This states that the head is currently at position i, where sk,i-1 is not scanned yet, and the current state is q.
  1. if some transition is possible in a configuration of the run, then this is not the last configuration.
  2. If the run is finite, then the turing machine is terminating
  3. A deterministic turing machine M means, there is at most one transition T for each p and s¯. M ↓ x shows a deterministic turing machine is terminating with input x, and M ↑ x is non-terminating.

Here’s a therom:

Let M be a deterministic Turing machine over alphabet Σ, and let x ∈ Σ∗. If M ↓ x, then the output tape of M will contain a definite string y >∈ Σ∗; and we can define the partial function fM : Σ∗ → Σ∗ as follows.

fM(x) = if M ↓ x then y else undefined

In this case M computes the function fM. A partial function f : Σ∗ → Σ∗ is computable if it is computed by some (deterministic) Turing machine.


A turing machine could be encoding into digits (prime power encoding). If we encode a turing machine M with code m, then we could input m;x(input x to a encoded turing machine m) to other turing machines.


Define a turing machine U, a turing machine M over alphabet Σ with code m, and strings x, y ∈ Σ∗. U is terminating on input (m;x) with output y if and only if M is terminating on input x with output y. This also work with non-terminating.

More Definition (I hate it as well):

Acceptance: Define a turing machine M with input x ∈ Σ. M accepts x means M has a halting run with the first head over the leftmost square. In this case, x is recognized by M (recognition).

Even more definition (Dear god):

If a language is recognized by some Turing machine M, then it is recognized by some deterministic Turing Machine M’.
A language is recursively enumerable (simplified as r.e.) if there is a deterministic turing machine which recognizes it.
A language L over alphabet Σ is co-recursively enumerable (simplified as co-r.e.) if Σ∗ \ L is r.e.
A language is recursive if and only if it is both r.e. and co-r.e.

Decision Problem & Decidable Problem

A decision problem is some problem which has a yes or no answer in some language, and a recursive problem is some problem which test whether a decision problem is decidable (possible to give an answer).

We represent decision problems in this form: An example of this kind of problem could be: To decide whether a number is a prime number.

And an example of recursion problem is (Halting problem): This is an undicidable problem. Here’s the prove (First appear in 1936):

Suppose we have a turing machine H which, for every deterministic turing machine M with an x as its input, H returns yes if M ↓ x and no if M ↑ x. In another words, we have a turing machine which could solves the halting problem! Here we define another turing machine H*, it has a structure like this picture:

It takes an input to H. If H returns yes, then H* goes to a loop never ends. And if no, H* halts. Now, if H* take the code h* (which is itself) as the input, we will have two results.

  1. If H returns a yes (H halts on h*), H* goes to the loop never ends, H* never halts.
  2. If H returns a no (H doesn’t halt on h*), H* halts.

These two results are two paradox which proves that, the H we defined will never exist, so the Halting problem is a undecidable problem!